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Review of Economics and Institutions
The Review of Economics and Institutions / Economia, Società e Istituzioni is a peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research on all economic fields. Contributions by all schools of thought dealing with the micro- and macroeconomic approaches will be considered for publication. Although the Review welcomes theoretical papers, a privileged attention will be paid to applied works studying the interplay between economic and social institutions, as well as the individual and collective economic action and/or performance.
The journal will maintain a high scientific standard. After a preliminary assessment by the Editorial Board, all submitted papers will undergo a double blinded refereeing process. The Review aims at providing all authors with a decision within ten weeks since submission. The submission by young scholars of original unpublished works, not under consideration elsewhere, is warmly encouraged.
The Review of Economics and Institutions / Economia, Società e Istituzioni is published by the University of Perugia Electronic Press (Italy).
The Review of Economics and Institutions is the new series of Economia, Società e Istituzioni, a review founded by Giovanni Palmerio and Carlo Scognamiglio (LUISS University) in 1989, and has been edited by Luiss University Press up to 2005.
The Review was conceived as an arena for the debate on all economic and policy issues; in this respect, the title of the journal was targeted to remind that political economy scholars should aim at understanding social and economic issues in their concreteness and completeness, in their historical perspective and within their institutional framework.
The new series is published by the University of Perugia preserving the main aims and scopes originally assigned by the founders.

E-ISSN 2038-1379 - 2009-2025 University of Perugia