Poverty and Natural Disasters: A Regression Meta-Analysis

Azreen Karim, Ilan Noy


With a meta-regression analysis of the existing literature on the impacts of disasters on households, we observe several general patterns. Incomes are clearly impacted adversely, with the impact observed specifically in per-capita measures. Consumption is also reduced, but to a lesser extent than incomes. Poor households appear to smooth their food consumption by reducing the consumption of non-food items; in particular health and education, and this suggests potentially long-term adverse consequences. Given the limits of our methodology and the paucity of research, we find no consistent patterns in long-term outcomes. We end by placing disaster risk for the poor within the discussions of sustainable development and future climatic change.


disaster, natural, poverty, meta-analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5202/rei.v7i2.222

E-ISSN 2038-1379 -  2009-2024 University of Perugia