A Theory of Justice of John Rawls as Basis for European Fiscal Union

Klaudijo Klaser


Fiscal policies coordination, macro-stability purposes and provision of European public goods are undoubtedly economic goals of paramount importance when considering the implementation of Fiscal Union at European level. However, there is also a complementary component of moral nature embedded in the constitution of any fiscal system, that is reallocation of resources. The core idea of the paper is that A Theory of Justice of John Rawls can provide a new and compelling basis accounting for the institution of European Fiscal Union in the redistributive perspective since the European Union holds a) a scheme of mutually advantageous cooperation and b) a thick network of institutions which constitute a basic structure. The main outcome of this analysis is a European difference principle. This conclusion is then followed by a corollary: if the European institutions are to be shaped to reflect an arrangement of Rawlsian nature, they should also include Fiscal Union at European level.


European Social Integration, Fiscal Union, John Rawls, Redistribution, Social Justice

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5202/rei.v11i1-2.328

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