Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Review of Economics and Institutions publishes original papers covering a large array of topics in economics. Although submissions of high-quality theoretical articles (not confined to deductive model-building) will be considered, a privileged attention will be paid to applied contributions, which are expected to be endowed with a solid and up-to-date theoretical background, and to use advanced statistical or econometric procedures.

A comparative perspective of analysis, as well as a specific focus on institutional factors underlying the differentials in economic performance across countries, industries, regions or firms, will be particularly appreciated. This perspective is indeed believed a crucial interpretative key to fully understand the factors to succeed in the globalised economy.

The Review offers authors the possibility to have their papers accepted in less than three months; specifically, it is conceived for young economists at their earlier stages of research activity. The undertaking by the Editorial board to provide a decision within ten weeks from the submission date is motivated by the awareness that, in any field, research activity is characterized by an increasingly rapid circulation of ideas and scientific outcomes. It entails research findings to be published before becoming out-of-date, and hence of minor interest for policy guidance. Clearly, it cannot occur at the cost of a low-quality process of reviewing; for this reason, a direct assessment of the content of the papers, as well as a tight control on the overall reviewing process, is guaranteed by the Editorial board.

A preliminary selection might be done by the Editorial Board to assess the correspondence of the paper’s content with the aims of the Review. This type of response, that does not necessary imply a negative evaluation of the quality of the work, is finalized to avoid a lengthier procedure for papers with a low probability to be published. Despite the generalist nature of the Review, contributions in the following fields are particularly welcome: labour economics, industrial economics, resources economics, regulatory economics, international economics, regional economics, and economics of innovation and growth.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts are reviewed in a unbiased manner, receiving prompt attention by the editorial office and its referees. After a preliminary assessment of the suitability of the paper by the Editor, any paper will follow a double-blinded peer review process. The goal of the Editorial office is of providing the referees’ reports, and the final decision by the Editor, within ten weeks since submission.

The whole process will be handled by the Managing Editor, to whom all inquiries should be addressed.

In order to ensure full anonymity of the refereeing process, authors are asked to write papers in a way to keep their identity from referees (refraining in particular from citing forthcoming or working papers or self-citation; references to these papers that are deemed necessary can be added in the final version, after acceptance). Referees are asked to provide reports hiding their own identity.

Submission is electronic only. At the initial stage no formatting effort is required.

To submit a paper, please follow the online instructions clicking here (submit a paper).

Authors of accepted papers will be required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA), supplied by the Editorial office.


Publication Frequency

Published three times a year.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

This journal provides open access to all of it content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Such access is associated with increased readership and increased citation of an author's work. For more information on this approach, see the Public Knowledge Project, which has designed this system to improve the scholarly and public quality of research, and which freely distributes the journal system as well as other software to support the open access publishing of scholarly resources.


E-ISSN 2038-1379 -  2009-2025 University of Perugia